Alcohol Interlock

AutoTech WorldSquare Now Install Guardian Interlock Devices

What is an Alcohol Interlock?

Interlocks are electronic breath testing devices linked to the ignition system of cars, motorcycles and heavy vehicles.

Drivers must provide a breath sample that the interlock analyses for the presence of alcohol before the vehicle will start.

If a positive sample is detected, the vehicle will not start. Randomly timed breath tests must also be passed during a journey. The interlock also includes a camera and takes a photograph of the person providing the breath sample to reduce the risk of a driver circumventing the program.

Who is required to participate

All drivers convicted of high-range, repeat and other serious drink-driving offences in NSW committed on or after 1 February 2015 are required to have an interlock installed.

The program also now applies to drivers convicted of middle-range drink-driving, and driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol offences committed on or after Monday 3 December 2018.

Offenders are ordered by the court to complete:

  • A minimum licence disqualification period, and
  • A period of participation in the interlock program (at least 12 months).

The length of the minimum disqualification and interlock period depend on the offence type. Longer periods apply for the most serious offences.

The Court may grant an exemption from participating in the interlock program, but only in limited circumstances.

Alcohol Interlock Installation

Participants in the interlock program are required to have an interlock device installed by an accredited interlock service provider. The device must be installed before an interlock licence can be issued. When your device is installed, the provider will explain how to use it.


Participants are also required to ensure their device is regularly serviced by an accredited interlock service provider during their time on the program.

AutoTech and Guardian Interlock

AutoTech WorldSquare is an approved installation and service centre for Guardian Interlock.

Guardian Interlock

Guardian Interlock is an independent, family-owned provider of alcohol ignition interlock systems, designed to prevent the operation of vehicles by impaired drivers. We manage offender interlock programs on behalf of state transport authorities, who may require drink driving offenders to have interlocks fitted as part of their rehabilitation. This prevents further drink driving, protects the public and allows the relevant authorities to monitor attempted breaches and intervene where necessary.

Core and Additional Charges, all include GST.

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